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Vision: To create a resilient and sustainable Kawerau district that meets the needs of the future.

Public Notices  

Cold Spa Pool

The spa pool is running a little colder than usual today! Unfortunately, the circulation pump stopped working last night. One of the nuts on the pipe work connected to the pump has cracked. Work has now been completed but, the spa is currently sitting at 30 degrees.

The spa pool is warming up now! We expect that it will be back to normal temperature tomorrow morning (Saturday 5 October).

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Out on the roads? So are Police

We’re working with NZ Police, NZTA and road safety partners to target drink driving in our communities. Alcohol is a major factor in contributing to deaths and serious injuries on Bay of Plenty’s roads.

Throughout the month, you can expect to see Police throughout the Bay of Plenty doing checks to keep you, and everyone else safe.

Learn more about making safe choices when planning a night out, from having conversations with your mates, to exploring all the options available to get home safely

Community Grant Scheme

The Community Grant Scheme is a Council fund to enhance the well-being of Kawerau people by supporting non-profit groups and/or services that improve the quality of life of local residents.
Applications are now open for the 2024/25 community grants and close on Friday 25 October, 2024
For more information and application forms, please use this link 

Fluoridation in drinking water

In June, Council received an extension up until September 30, 2024, from the Director-General of Health to complete the installation of fluoridation infrastructure. This has now been completed. The Ministry of Health has advised Council that it will need to start adding fluoride to the water as per the directive we received on 22 July 2022. 

Please note, the taps at New World have filters that currently takes out the chorine and will also remove fluoride. The River Road taps will remain chlorine and fluoride free.  Council is planning to maintain these taps as chlorine-free and fluoride-free.

FAQ page

More information - Ministry of Health website

More information and letters to Council and from Council regarding fluoride

Representation Review Formal Proposal adopted  

On Wednesday, 11 September 2024, the Mayor and elected members heard and deliberated about the 104 submissions received during the official consultation period. 
As the majority of the 104 submitters agreed with the Initial Proposal, the Council unanimously decided to proceed with the Initial Proposal as the Final Proposal. The next step of the representation review process is the appeal period for those 104 submitters which runs from Friday, 20 September - 5:00pm, Monday 4 November 2024. 

Public notice of Final Proposal 

For more information about the Representation Review Final Proposal 

Road Closure on SH34

A road rebuild will take place from Monday 16 September to Friday 25 October between 8am and 4pm. A road closure will be in place during this time, every weekday between the SH34/30 intersection (Te Teko) and Charteris Ln. No weekend work. Temporary speed restrictions will remain in place until the road has been swept and line marked. Please drive with care. Allow 20 minutes extra travel time.

The official detour is via SH34 (Rotoma turn off)

For more information, please use this link 

Christmas in the Park - Community Concert

The Kawerau Christmas in the Park show is calling for talented performers for the Radio 1XX Community Concert (afternoon show) on Saturday, 14 December 2024. 

If you are a talented local who can sing, dance or entertain the family crowd at this year’s Kawerau Christmas in the Park Show we are keen to hear from you. 

Register your interest here

Upcoming Meetings and Events 2024 

Audit and Risk Committee Meeting: Monday 7 October 1:00pm

Regulatory and Services Committee Meeting: Wednesday 16 October 9:00am

Ordinary Council Meeting: Wednesday 30 October 9:00am

Regulatory and Services Committee Meeting: Wednesday 13 November 9:00am

Ordinary Council Meeting: Wednesday 27 November 9:00am

Please note: The Public Forum is available before every formal meeting held by Council (Council Meeting, Regulatory and Services, Extraordinary meetings) for people who wish to raise issues directly with the team of Elected Members. Please arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting start time to ensure you are signed in, you and the issue you are raising is logged on the run sheet and you are seated in the Council Chambers. Usual meeting protocols apply.  

Meetings are recorded and uploaded to the website and Social Media. By attending you give your consent to filming. People are asked to adhere to the Council Code of Conduct.

If the issue you have is regarding repair or fixing something owned by Council (walkways, footpaths, roads, trees, water issues, dogs and noise issues) please contact Council to request a repair via: