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Vision: To create a resilient and sustainable Kawerau district that meets the needs of the future.

Public Notices  

AA Closure 

Due to staffing shortages our AA services will be closed Wednesday 17 July. The District Office will remain open with normal operating hours of 8:30am to 5pm We apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding

Keith McKenzie Park Closed  

Due to the damage from the storm on Wednesday 15 May,  Keith McKenzie Park is closed until further notice.

Upcoming Meetings and Events 2024 

Regulatory and Services Committee Meeting: Wednesday 17 July 9:00am

Ordinary Council Meeting: Wednesday 31 July 9:00am

Audit and Risk Committee Meeting: Monday 5 August 1:00pm

Regulatory and Services Committee Meeting: Wednesday 14 August 9:00am

Ordinary Council Meeting: Wednesday 28 August 9:00am

Regulatory and Services Committee Meeting: Wednesday 11 September 9:00am

Ordinary Council Meeting: Wednesday 25 September 9:00am

Audit and Risk Committee Meeting: Monday 7 October 1:00pm

Regulatory and Services Committee Meeting: Wednesday 16 October 9:00am

Ordinary Council Meeting: Wednesday 30 October 9:00am

Regulatory and Services Committee Meeting: Wednesday 13 November 9:00am

Ordinary Council Meeting: Wednesday 27 November 9:00am

Audit and Risk Committee Meeting: Monday 9 December 1:00pm

Regulatory and Services Committee Meeting and Ordinary Council Meeting: Wednesday 11 Decmeber 9:00am

Please note: The Public Forum is available before every formal meeting held by Council (Council Meeting, Regulatory and Services, Extraordinary meetings) for people who wish to raise issues directly with the team of Elected Members. Please arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting start time to ensure you are signed in, you and the issue you are raising is logged on the run sheet and you are seated in the Council Chambers. Usual meeting protocols apply.  

Meetings are recorded and uploaded to the website and Social Media. By attending you give your consent to filming. People are asked to adhere to the Council Code of Conduct.

If the issue you have is regarding repair or fixing something owned by Council (walkways, footpaths, roads, trees, water issues, dogs and noise issues) please contact Council to request a repair via: