The Eastern Bay of Plenty Road Safety Programme aims to raise community awareness about road safety and work towards a safe road system throughout the region that is increasingly free of death and serious injury accidents.
Industrial Symbiosis Kawerau is a collaboration of like-minded parties working together for mutual gain. Shared resources, shared values, shared benefits.
The Kawerau Seniors Forum is a non-politically aligned group which provides two-way communication and engagement with older people about Council policies and plans.
Approximately 40% of Kawerau's residents are under the age of 24 and Council wants to make sure that young people have a chance to participate in their community.
Kawerau District Council is a shareholder in BOPLASS Ltd, a council-controlled organisation (CCO) owned by the eight councils in the Bay of Plenty. It has been set up to foster shared services between local authorities in the Bay of Plenty/Gisborne regions and elsewhere.
Kawerau District Council provides a wide range of services to its residents and ratepayers. In this section, you will find information on these services.
This section contains information relevant to residents of the Kawerau District and shortcuts to commonly-accessed services in other sections of this website.
Give us general feedback or make enquiries. Bring attention to problems in your neighbourhood and request a service to fix them. Make a complaint about the Council's standard of service or another issue.