Piripiri Crescent - Porritt Glade Lifestyle Village - Kawerau

PIRIPIRI CRESCENT | The Gathering of People

The rohe | area near Piripiri was once inhabited by the rangatira Te Papakawheoro and his hapu who were descendants of Waitaha Ariki Kore, the grandfather of Tūwharetoa. Te Papakawheoro was a skilled climber and knew how to escape his enemies. He also helped safeguard other hapū in the area.

The name Piripiri

Historically, the Kawerau area experienced a large landslide that forced rocks and boulders to come loose and flow together, down towards the nearby site of the retirement village development. 

Tangata whenua named the area Piripiri, the place where the boulders come (piri) together.

The historical name “Piripiri” was shared to Council by the people of Ngāti Tūwharetoa in 2020 and has been used to name the new road through the Porritt Glade Lifestyle Village subdivision.

Piripiri means to keep close, close together, stick, cling, adhere.
Piripiri in this context, is the gathering of rocks but more importantly the gathering of people.