CONSULTATION - Proposed Policy

Submissions open for the Proposed Policy for Sport, Recreation, and Community Organisations Leasing Council Land

Council is now consulting on the Proposed Rates Remission Policy for Sport, Recreation and Community Organisations Leasing Council Land from Friday, 31 May to Friday, 14 June 2024. The proposed policy was tabled at the Council Meeting on Wednesday, 29 May with Councillors agreeing to adopt the draft policy and to embark on a two-week consultation period. 

Council will contact the organisations who are directly impacted to inform them of the proposed policy, the submission process and their options to give feedback.  

The community are also invited to have their say on the proposed policy that aims to ensure a fair and equitable policy for rates remissions (reductions) for organisations leasing Council land. 

You can have your say via Antenno, the website, or social media via a link to the submission form. Written submissions can also be dropped to the Council Office.   

There will be the chance to speak supporting your submission at a hearing on 19 June 2024, if required.  

After considering all submissions, Council plans to adopt the new policy on 26 June 2024 to take effect from the 1 July 2024.  

Council is proposing a new Rates Remission Policy for Sport, Recreation and Community Organisations Leasing Council Land  

Policy objectives  

This policy aims to facilitate the on-going provision of sport, recreation, and community opportunities for the residents of Kawerau by ensuring that the general rates charged to sporting, recreational and community organisations that lease Council land are on the same basis as if Council were providing these services.  

The objective to remit the general rate is provided for under the Local Government Act 2002 and the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002.  


The level of general rates charged to sporting, recreational, and community organisations should be fair and equitable where the provision of those opportunities are on a non-commercial basis.  

What does this mean? 

The policy will give Council the ability to remit the amount of rates charged to sporting, recreational, and community organisations, that lease Council land.  

It means Council can grant a 100% remission (reduction) for the general rate charged for sporting, recreational, and community organisations that lease Council reserve and recreational reserve land and do not have a liquor license.  

The policy does not apply to targeted rates for services such as water, wastewater and refuse which will be charged to the organisation on a quarterly basis.  

For more details, please view the  

Proposed Rates Remission Policy for Sport, Recreation and Community Organisations Leasing Council Land 

Accompanying Report to Council Meeting 29 May 2024    (pages 81-86)

You can have your say online here with this short form 

For more information, please contact Council 

Phone 07 306 9009  



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