Media Release

Leaking steam pipe emitted steam and water

A leaking steam pipe that supplies the Maurie Kjar Memorial Swimming Pool Complex has caught the attention of people today.

There is no danger to the public as the area was fenced off and Council staff turned the geothermal bore off that feeds into the heat exchanger of the main pool. This ensures the geothermal steam remains in the ground.

The pool temperature has not been keeping within the optimum range for some time and after investigating possible causes, Council staff found this leaking steam pipe in the area opposite the pool complex.

On Tuesday, August 25 Council approved funding of $30,000 to replace the leaking steam pipe.

Tomorrow, Friday 4 September, a temporary repair will be completed of the leaking pipe to ensure the pool complex is bought back up to temperature.

However, in parallel, the Council will make a more permanent repair by laying an entirely new pipeline and once that is completed, connecting this to the steam bore.

The public should always take care and supervise young children around any areas that appear to be emitting geothermal steam.

If people are concerned, they are encouraged to contact Council at any time by phoning 07 306 9009.

Pool Complex to close for temporary pipe repair

The Maurie Kjar Memorial Swimming Pool Complex will be closed on Friday, 4 September 2020 to enable the temporary repair of the steam pipe that feeds the heat exchanger of the main pool.

In Level 2, the pool complex is closed on the weekend. This will enable repairs to continue on the steam pipe with a plan to re-open the pool complex to the public on Monday, 7 September.

Once the steam pipe repairs are made, the main pool will be able to be heated back to its optimum temperature of between 32 and 36 degrees Celsius.

The Council apologies for the inconvenience and looks forward to having the pool back up to temperature. 


For more information please contact Tania Humberstone, Communications Manager on 027 464 3785.

First posted: 

Thursday, 3 September 2020 - 5:40pm