Queen’s Service Medal for Chris Marjoribanks

Congratulations to Chris Marjoribanks who has been awarded the Queen’s Service Medal for his services to youth and the Kawerau community over several decades.

The award was announced among the 2019 Queen’s Birthday Honours.

Chris has supported several initiatives within the Kawerau community that provide support to the vulnerable, including implementing strategies, and a core clinical group to identify and support at risk young people and adults.

The citation noted Chris’ efforts to co-ordinate a collaborative response to address methamphetamine use and related community issues including sourcing funding for addiction services and support from the Bay of Plenty District Health Board which he acknowledged.

Chris is the Chief Executive of Tūwharetoa Ki Kawerau Health, Education and Social Services Trust in Kawerau and acknowledged the work of their health team and the families who have shared the challenges in their lives which lead to a different model of engagement.

Chris is serving his second term as a Kawerau District Councillor and is the Chair of Mataatua Sports Trust and Trustee of Rautahi Community Marae and Maruhaeremuri Hapu Trust. He also a Trustee of multiple Māori land trusts and a Justice of the Peace.

Queen’s Service Medal for Chris Marjoribanks

First posted: 

Thursday, 6 June 2019 - 12:18pm