65th Anniversary of the Pūtauaki King of the Mountain Race


Media Release

For immediate release

65th Anniversary of the King of the Mountain Race

On Saturday 31 October 2020 in the ‘Year of the COVID’, 125 entrants took on the 65th year of the Kawerau King of the Mountain.

Congratulations also to the 80-plus tamariki of the Pūtauaki Prince and Princess of the Mountain race.

The Eastern Bay community, safety services, suppliers, funders, rangatahi, sponsors, volunteers, Kaumatua and tangata whenua ō Kawerau all came together and we did it – Kotahitanga.

Congratulations to all entrants who conquered the mountain, in particular:

2020 King David Haunschmidt 00:51:14

2nd Chris Morrissey 00:54:07

3rd Sam Clark 00:54:33


2020 Queen Kate Moore 01:03:04

2nd Phoebe Barrett 01:09:55

3rd Milla Dibben 01:10:44


2020 Prince Oliver Christie 00:20:22

2nd Sean Jones 00:20:33

3rd Xavier Christie 00:21:47

2020 Princess Thea Miller 00:26:19

2nd Indy Gibson 00:26:28

3rd Stevie Reid MCallum 00:27:51


Thank you to all the volunteers who make this day possible. Thank you also to Māori Investments Limited and Ngā Maunga Kaitiaki Trust for land access.

Thank you to the New Zealand Community Trust (NZCT), Lion Foundation, Trust Horizon and Kawerau District Council for supporting this iconic event.


First posted: 

Wednesday, 18 November 2020 - 11:23am