Mānawatia a Matariki

Council and a number of Kawerau community groups and organisations are collaborating to provide events for our community to recognise Matariki.

Matariki is the Māori name for the cluster of stars treasured in Aotearoa. It is a time when whānau remember those who have passed on; celebrate the present and plan for the future.

For many Māori, it celebrates the start of a New Year. 

cultures throughout the world also celebrate and recognise Matariki.

We look forward to sharing this journey with you as we recognise Matariki.

2024 Matariki Celebrations

Monday, June 24

  • 10:30am - Community Tree Planting Ceremony, In front of the Council Offices, Ranfurly Court, Kawerau 

    • Nau Mai Haere Mai | All Welcome - join with Ngāti Tūwharetoa (Bay of Plenty) Kaumātua Te Haukakawa Te Rire and Mayor Faylene Tunui to celebrate and honour loved ones who have passed away within the last tweleve months.

    • Refreshments will follow in the Concert Chamber

  • 4:00pm - Matariki Memorial Tribute Video,  on Council social media platforms and the website

    • As we approach Matariki 2024, we would like to commemorate our loved ones who have passed on since the rising of Matariki in July 2023 to the setting in June 2024.  

      This special memorial slideshow will be made available during the week of Matariki, so we can all remember our loved ones together. The video will be available on the Council website and shared across our social media platforms.

Tuesday, June 25

  • Matariki Morning Tea with the Mayor for Kaumātua, Kuia | Seniors 

Her Worship the Mayor | Kahika Faylene Tunui cordially invites our Kaumātua, Kuia | Senior residents of Kawerau to join her for Morning Tea

12pm (noon), Town Hall, Ranfurly Court, Kawerau

**You must register for this event due to limited space available. Please register by phone on 07 306 9009 or at the Council Office. Registrations CLOSE when seating is filled.**

Wednesday, June 26

  • 1:00pm - Matariki Community Awards Presentation,  Concert Chamber, Ranfurly Court, Kawerau 

    • Following the mihi and karakia, the inaugural Matariki Kawerau Community Awards will be presented to individuals and groups whose contribution as volunteers in many areas of the community are recognised and applauded. Please celebrate these awardees and their achievements with afternoon tea. 

                      More information and nomination forms available here.

Thursday, June 27

  • Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau Hauora, Community Day

    • 5am onwards, Venue: Te Matatu Building, 119 Onslow Street, Kawerau

      The purpose of this event is to provide an opportunity for whānau to learn about Matariki, experience the Whāngai i te Hautapu ceremony and participate in Matariki activities and celebrations. 

      The event will include:
      - Hautapu experience
      - Hākari breakfast 
      - Whakangāhau
      - A showcase of Te Kura Maengenge activities
      - Tāonga tākaro 
      - Locally owned stalls available

      *Event numbers are capped; please register using the form on Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau Hauora Facebook Page registerations will close once we reach the event reaches capacity. All ages are welcome.

      ***Please wear warm clothes or bring a blanket if you wish, as we will be outside during mid-winter for the hautapu ceremony.

      Please contact Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau Hauora for any further information: 
      07 323 8047

Friday, June 28

Matariki Public holiday (Please note: Council Office and District Library closed) 

Council Services Open:

isite 10am-2pm

Transfer Station 12pm-4pm

Maurie Kjar Aquatic Centre 9am-6pm

Saturday, July 13

  • 10am - 2pmMTFJ | ISK Industry Open Day  
    • Manukorihi Drive Kawerau 

For more information, please contact Kawerau District Council on 07 306 9009

Matariki Friday 28 June