FAYLENE Tunui has announced her intention to resign from her current position on the Kawerau Pathways to Work (KPtW) programme to enable more involvement at a governance level within Industrial Symbiosis Kawerau (ISK).
Kawerau Pathways to Work have two Provincial Growth Funded (PGF) programmes underway designed to connect employers and employees, and to provide 40 cadetships during the next 18 months. The programme also has capacity to assist current apprentices with additional industry training to provide the best possible opportunity of completing their courses.
“With her commitment to serving this community and background in the social services sector, Faylene has been instrumental in getting these programmes off the ground and we look forward to her support in her new roles,” says KPtW Chairperson Deanne Butler.
Ms Tunui was returned to Kawerau District Council with an increased majority and will continue her work as Deputy Mayor. “I’ve really enjoyed my time on the KPtW project and feel that now the programmes are bedded down I can make more of a contribution by taking on a strong governance and advocacy role.”
“Seeing our rangatahi succeed in life is a real passion for me and the partnerships with ISK (Industrial Symbiosis Kawerau), Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau Hauora, Tarawera High School, Toi-EDA and the wider work-readiness sector are providing a unique opportunity to build pathways for young people as they move through education and training into mahi,” Ms Tunui said.
The KPtW programme had evolved to support the ISK initiative to grow the capabilities of people and the labour workforce for current and future economic growth.
Kawerau District Council chief executive Russell George acknowledges the work, support and guidance Ms Tunui has provided to the Kawerau Pathways to Work programme. “Faylene has set up a strong foundation, ensuring that Kawerau stakeholders were involved from the outset. This has always been a programme developed by Kawerau for Kawerau people.”
Mr George said Ms Tunui’s energy and input at a grassroots level would be missed but was thankful she would still be involved with ISK.
Industrial Symbiosis Kawerau chair David Turner said it is an exciting time for the Kawerau Pathways to Work Programme moving into the implementation phase.
“We are overwhelmed with the support of Kawerau businesses and industry which have confirmed 23 positions for cadets. Already 20 cadets have been interviewed and will be matched with prospective employers for the 13-week cadetship period.”.
“These results are due to the hard work and efforts of Faylene and the KPtW team during the previous years and we are really thankful for her contribution,” Mr Turner said.
“I am looking forward to continuing to work with Ms Tunui in the areas of advocacy and governance for Industrial Symbiosis Kawerau where collaboration with like-minded businesses for mutual gain and removing impediments to business success in the Kawerau district and the wider Eastern Bay district remains a focus.”
For more information, please contact:
Deanne Butler
Kawerau Pathways to Work Chairperson
Phone (07) 323 1002
Mobile (027) 29 44 156