Ki hea, ā, me pēhea te whakauru pōti motuhake
Where and how to cast a special vote
If you have not yet enrolled to vote, you enrolled after 12 August 2022, or your voting pack is damaged or lost, you will need to cast a special vote.
What is a special vote?
You can cast a special vote if you have not received a voting pack in the mail, lost or damaged your voting pack, or enrolled to vote after 12 August 2022.
A special vote pack consists of:
- a special voting document
- a special voting declaration
- two envelopes.
You should know
You can cast a special vote when you have not enrolled to vote, or if you have just turned 18, but you will have to enrol by Friday 7 October 2022 for your vote to be valid.
You can enrol to vote:
- online at Vote NZ
- Phone the Kawerau Electoral Officer 0800 922 822 (Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm)
To find out if you are already enrolled, or for more information on How to Enrol:
Visit the Electoral Commission website
Free text 3676 or Free Phone 0800 36 76 56
Who can cast a special vote
Special votes are available to people:
- whose names do not appear on the final electoral roll, but who qualify as electors
- who did not receive a voting pack posted to them
- who spoil or damage a voting document previously posted to them
- who will be travelling during the voting period (from 16 September to 12 noon on 8 October 2022).
How to request a special voting pack
You can pick up a special voting pack from Friday 16 September to before 12 noon on Saturday 8 October 2022 from the
- District Offices in Ranfurly Court
- Phone the Electoral Office on 0800 922 822 Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm to get a special voting pack posted out to you
- NZ Post
How to cast a special vote
By post
Special voting packs have a postage paid return envelope to return via post. However, you need to post your special voting pack by 3 October at the latest to ensure it reaches the Electoral Office by the close of voting (12 noon, Saturday 8 October 2022).
Drop off at a voting box at:
The District Council Office
Drop your voting form or special voting form back to the Council’s District Office by 12 noon on Saturday, 8 October 2022.
You can collect a special voting document at the District Office from Friday 16 September to before 12 noon on Saturday 8 October 2022.
Remember: if you are not enrolled to vote, you will need to enrol by Friday 7 October to be eligible to vote in this year’s elections.