Council Mānawatia a Matariki
For immediate release
Kawerau District Council will host a number of community-based events to celebrate Matariki 2022.
Mayor Malcolm Campbell said there were a number of events planned to recognise and celebrate Matariki in the district between June 21 and 29.
Activities will start on Tuesday June 21, when the Council hosts a community planting day at the Kawerau Urupā (cemetery) which gives people the opportunity to remember loved ones who have passed away. The event will commence with a mihi and karakia from Tūwharetoa Ki Kawerau Kaumātua and Council Cultural Advisor Te Haukakawa (Boycie) Te Rire at 10am.
Council invites members of the community to come along and plant something in remembrance of a loved one. A variety of native plants and spring bulbs will be available for planting at the Kawerau Cemetery in Valley Road. There will be two locations where people can choose to plant, allowing for those with less mobility to stay closer to the entrance of the cemetery.
On Wednesday, June 22 the Council will host a Matariki morning tea with the Mayor for elderly and Kaumātua at Firmin Lodge in Kawerau. For catering purposes, people are asked to RSVP to Council on 07 306 9009.
Mayor Malcolm Campbell said, “This is the perfect opportunity for our seniors to reconnect with each other after a trying few years with the pandemic. It also allows us to celebrate Matariki together and look to the future.”
To be held at Firmin Lodge, the Matariki morning tea will run from 10am until 12 noon. Within the theme of hauora (wellness), there are plans for a mobile flu vaccination clinic to be available at the event.
On Thursday, June 23 the Council i-SITE staff will guide a Matariki hikoi (walk) to nine significant sites in Kawerau, each containing information about that site as well as a Matariki star. This will take approximately two hours and require a reasonable level of fitness.
If people wish to complete the hikoi (walk) at other times by themselves or in groups, a brochure can be collected from the Kawerau i-SITE from Monday, June 21 onwards.
Finally, on Saturday, June 25 the Kawerau Youth Council will host a Star Quest at the Town Hall from 2pm until 6pm for rangatahi. There are a number of prizes up available and entries are still available by contacting the Kawerau Youth Council.
In addition, the District Library will be donating Matariki-themed books to schools in Kawerau during the Matariki period.
Council wishes to thank Tūwharetoa Ki Kawerau Hauora for collaborating to provide support for these community events which enable the community to reconnect after the pandemic.
In addition to supporting the various community events, Council staff have the opportunity of completing a number of Matariki activities within the workplace. The aim is to celebrate Matariki, recognise its importance and provide learning opportunities.
For more information, please contact Tania Humberstone on 027 464 3785.