Kawerau District Council - Three Waters Update
5 August 2021
Kawerau District Council is expecting a clearer understanding of the Three Waters Reform timeline and options for consultation by the end of the week.
Today, the Chief Executive Russell George and Manager Operations and Services are attending a Three Waters Reform hui in Taupo for the Entity B Councils.
All councils from Entity B, which includes regional councils have been invited to attend along with DIA (Department of Internal Affairs), LGNZ (Local Government NZ) and Taituarā's partner, Tūhura and partners.
It is expected that further information about the timeline for the Three Water Reform process will be clearer after the hui. This will allow Council to schedule the consultation and feedback process with the community and stakeholders.
In addition, work is progressing on the independent review commissioned by Kawerau District Council. The review is being completed by Wellington based consultants Castalia Limited and will assess:
• The impacts of maintaining the Three Waters assets in its current community ownership, which are managed by Council;
• The impacts of Kawerau’s Three Waters assets under the control and ownership of the Government’s proposed Three Waters entities.
Kawerau District Council unanimously agreed to commission the independent review and believe it is a prudent investment given the magnitude of the assets involved and the potential impacts on the community.
Once this data is available and further information available from the government’s Three Waters Reform, Kawerau District Council will be scheduling the consultation process and sharing this information with our community.
“We are committed to ensuring we share this data and gather feedback from our community,” Chief Executive Russell George said.
For more information, please contact Kawerau District Council Communications and Engagement Manager Tania Humberstone on 027 464 3785.