Make A Custom Bookmark
10.30am-12pm Thursday 13 March
Don't you hate it when you lose the page in a book you're reading. Well, we have you covered. Come and join us on March 13th and create your very own custom bookmark. We will have resources provided and to make one unique to you bring along any photos or pressed flowers you may want to add. If you start pressing flowers now by putting them between some baking paper and the biggest book you can find, they will be dried and ready for the day. Can't wait to see you there.
Kawerau Library Book Discussion Group
Do you love talking about the books you've read?
Would you like to hear about books others have enjoyed? Come along to our book discussion group for tea/coffee and discuss a book you have read recently.
Date: 1st Thursday of every month
Time: 11am
Venue: Kawerau District Library
Cost: Free
For information ask a librarian or email
Technology Help Available
Spam, scams, and other difficult to navigate spaces on your devices can lead to lots of unnecessary stress. If you have any specific questions about your mobile phone, tablet or computer, or want to ensure your privacy settings are up to date, or even want to learn how to block an unknown phone number that keeps calling you, you can pop in and see Mel or phone us on 073069041 to make an appointment. You can also email her at . We also have the APNK computer service with a scanner and A4 printing. Alternatively printing requests can be forwarded to but you need to come in the same day to pay and collect these items.
Skinny Jump Modems
We also partner with Stepping UP to distribute modems for the Skinny Jump Modem service. The first step is to see if you are eligible by checking your eligibility If eligible, contact Mel phone 07 3069041 or email for an appointment. Mel works Tuesdays & Thursdays 10am-2pm. If you have issues after receiving your modem, you will need to contact Skinny Jump directly.
Write On Kawerau
Write On Kawerau began in the Library in 2017 to help each other with feedback and shared skills and knowledge, but most of all, the group motivate each other to write. Boasting 2 anthologies and a number of published members, they welcome novices and experienced authors alike to join them at Danny's Den at the Catholic Church, 121 Onslow St every Wednesday at 11am. Have a cuppa and flex your writing muscles in a friendly and supportive environment. Just turn up, you will be welcome or if you want more information, phone Wendy on 027 478 7209 or email Wendy at