
The governance model under the Local Government Act 2002 is representative democracy. The community elects individuals to make judgements on behalf of the community about what will promote community well-being.

This section outlines the committee structure adopted by Council and appointments of Councillors to outside organisations. Also included is information on the Triennial Agreement with other Councils in the Bay of Plenty region.


Find out about the roles and responsibilities of the Kawerau District Council and its Councillors, Mayor and Committees.

The Triennial Agreement sets out the protocols for communication and co-ordination amongst the councils during the triennium.

The Local Governance Statement outlines Kawerau District Council’s democratic processes: how we engage with our community, how we make decisions, and how citizens can influence Council’s decisions.

Standing Orders are a set of rules that formalise the way we conduct our meetings.

The Council can delegate most of its duties, powers and responsibilities to a committee, community board, member or officer of the Council.

Our Code of Conduct provides guidance on the standards of behaviour expected from elected members of the Kawerau District Council.