Eastern Bay of Plenty Local Alcohol Policy

Kawerau, Ōpōtiki and Whakatāne District Councils have adopted the Eastern Bay of Plenty Local Alcohol Policy (LAP), which came into effect on 18 March 2016 (except for the provisions relating to ‘Maximum Trading Hours’, which take effect on 21 June 2016).

Aims of the Local Alcohol Policy

The Eastern Bay of Plenty LAP aims to reduce alcohol-related harm across the three districts while balancing the economic benefits the alcohol industry provides the Eastern Bay of Plenty. Some of the features that apply include:

  • Maximum hours for off-licence and on-licence premises, as outlined in the table below
  • Mandatory host responsibility policies for all on-licence premises
  • To instruct the District Licensing Committee to have regard to the issue of location of on, off and club licences in close proximity to any sensitive locations (such as schools, childcare centres and playgrounds)
  • A number of discretionary conditions that the District Licensing Committee may consider when issuing or renewing licenses.

Maximum trading hours

Some licenced premises are trading outside the hours set in the LAP.  We are therefore required, under sections 90(2) and 90(6), to bring the proposed maximum trading hours into force three months after the public notice of adoption of the LAP.  This provides a transitional period for those trading outside these hours to align with the new provisions.

If you are a licensed premise, please check and align your licence hours against those set out in the table by 21 June 2016.

Maximum trading hours outlined in the LAP for all three districts are as follows.





Maximum trading hours


9 am - 1 am

9 am - 1 am

8 am - 2 am

8 am- 11 pm


8 am - 10 pm

7 am - 10 pm

7 am - 11 pm

Club Licence

9 am - 1 am

10 am - 1 am

7 am-2 am

7 am - 12am (Sports Clubs)

Special Licence

Case by case

Case by case

Case by case