'Have Your Say!' Community Consultation

The Council offers a number of opportunities for the community to participate in its decision-making processes throughout the year. Kawerau District residents are informed of when proposed plans and policies are available for public submissions through various media mechanisms.

This page contains the consultations that are being undertaken by the Kawerau District Council. Each consultation sets out the purpose, key issues and the timescale. Also provided are any documents relevant to the consultation.

Consultation topics currently open in the Kawerau District. You can give feedback on:

Draft Dangerous, Affected and Insanitary Buildings Policy

Council is now consulting on the Draft Dangerous, Affected and Insanitary Buildings Policy from Monday, 17 June to Friday, 19 July 2024. Submissions will be considered at the Council meeting on Wednesday 31 July 2024.  Anyone who makes a written submission will be given an opportunity to present their views at that meeting.  Submitters are asked to indicate if they wish to speak to their submission. 

 Find out more and have your say here.

Kawerau District Age-Friendly and Accessible Strategy 

The Age-Friendly and Accessible Strategy is reviewed regularly and is a ‘living document’ (meaning that actions taken will be referenced by Kawerau District Council). We are open to any and all suggestions that can help to improve the livelihood and wellbeing of seniors in the Kawerau community. 

 Find out more and have your say here

Eastern Bay Consultation Topic:

Bay of Plenty Regional Council Representation Review 2024

BOPRC are seeking your valuable feedback on our initial proposal, which aims to ensure each member represents a balanced number of constituents and can effectively advocate for their interests.

The submission period will close on 10 July 2024. A hearing is scheduled for 13 August 2024. Find out more and have your say about the Bay of Plenty Regional Council Representation Review.

Kawerau District former consultation topics (now closed): 

Eastern Bay Consultation Topics (now closed) are:

Central Government Consultation Topics (now closed):

  • Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Community Participation) Amendment Bill Public Submissions CLOSED on 12 February 2023 Find out more here

  • Natural and Built Environment Bill submissions via Council CLOSED 14 February 2023 Find out more here

  • Spatial Planning Bill Public submissions via Council CLOSED 14 February 2023 Find out more here

  • Water Services Legislation Bill - Three Waters: Public submissions CLOSED 12 February 2023 Find out more here 

  • Water Services - Three Waters Economic Efficiency and Consumer Protection Bill: Public submissions CLOSED 12 February 2023 Find out more here

  • Te Aoratake i te Anamata mō Ngā Kaunihera | Review into the Future for Local Government - Find out more here



Kawerau District Council is committed to ensuring fair and effective representation for our community. Council is completing a representation review following the introduction of Māori ward/s in November 2023. The review means we are examining the current council structure, which includes eight (8) councillors and the Mayor.